07 agosto 2013

How to delete apps from /system/app

First of all, this is for rooted devices only.

If you try to delete some apk files from /system/app, you will get an "Read-only file system" error. This is why /system is mounted as read-only.

To be allowed to delete data from /system/app, we need to remount it as read-write. How can i do that? Well it is very simple, we only need a Terminal application and execute a few commands.
  1. Open our Terminal application and exec the command "su" (super user, root) to request root privileges.
  2. Exec the remount command: "mount -rw -o remount /system".
  3. Then we can delete the desired files with the command: "rm /system/app/file_name". Proceed with caution! And don't delete files if you don't know what are you deleting!
  4. Reboot. At the next start /system will be read-only as it should be.
This is very useful for removing app's that are included with our rom's by partners or manufacturers, and can't be uninstalled with the app manager.

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